Yes, this is our poor honey bear, being thrown in the hot water. And this is what we need to be like.
Honey, especially local honey, has many health benefits. But no matter where you get your honey, it will someday crystalize and become very hard to work with.
We're just like that honey.
Life isn't easy, and you know it. But sometimes, no matter how much we're doing what we love, we harden just like the honey. Call it burnout, demotivation, stress, tiredness, or whatever you want, but it happens to all of us.
Sure, there are quick fixes. We can stick the honey in the microwave oven, but it just crystalizes again and very so. We can throw our lives under some hyper energy and get remotivated for a while. But it will fade quite quickly and we'll return to our hardened state.
Honey needs a slower process and gentle hot water until every last crystal is melted. Pull it out too soon and the crystals left will cause more problems.
Sometimes, we need that slow, hot pressure around us to make us stronger so we can push through and find new life on the other side. Sometimes, the pressure will reveal that we have very little left to give, and maybe it's time to move on. Other times, the pressure will bring a new flow to life.
What have been your hot-water moments and how did they help you?