UPDATE: Disqus is pushing out more updates, which would mean re-implementing this code each time. Thus, I changed methods. Thanks to Onur Güven (in the comments) for pointing out the better method.
If you have custom post types on your WordPress website and use Disqus Commenting System, you may have a need to disable Disqus in only certainly places. I'll show you how!
I created a premium WordPress plugin, Social Subscribe & Follow Icons, for adding vector social icons to blog and podcast websites. Since I podcast “how-tos” about podcasting to other podcasters (I'm a meta kind of guy), I sell this plugin on The Audacity to Podcast's website. My site uses Disqus and I sell the digital product with WooCommerce.
WooCommerce (and other ecommerce plugins for WordPress) creates custom post types and may use the default WordPress comments system for managing reviews on those products. The problem is that Disqus takes over the commenting system and now disables the WordPress system. This results in a blank Reviews tab for my products on my website.
To fix the problem, we need to tell Disqus not to run on a particular post type, and let the default WordPress system take over. In the case of WooCommerce, this custom post type is “product,” but it could be any other post type in your case.
Open your theme's functions.php file and add the following code near the bottom.
// Remove Disqus from a custom post type remove_action('pre_comment_on_post', 'dsq_pre_comment_on_post'); add_action( 'the_post' , 'block_disqus'); function block_disqus() { if ( get_post_type() == 'custom_post_type_name' ) remove_filter('comments_template', 'dsq_comments_template'); }
Where custom_post_type_name is the name of your post type, like product.
Now, you can update Disqus without losing your settings! Just remember to re-implement this code if you update or switch themes.
Old method (no longer recommended)
The following instructions are for Disqus version 2.74 through 2.77 2.79. Later version will probably work the same (though line numbers may change, as they did for version 2.79).
- Open up the “disqus.php” file in the Disqus plugin folder (usually “/wp-content/plugins/disqus-comment-system/disqus.php”).
- Find line
149143 (as of version 2.79) and you'll see the following.$replace = get_option('disqus_replace'); if ( is_feed() ) { return false; } if ( !isset($post) ) { return false; } if ( 'draft' == $post->post_status ) { return false; } if ( !get_option('disqus_forum_url') ) { return false; } else if ( 'all' == $replace ) { return true; }
- Add the following above the if statements. (Replace “product” with your post type, or duplicate this line to address several post types.)
if ( 'product' == get_post_type() ) { return false; }
So that your code looks like the following.
$replace = get_option('disqus_replace'); if ( 'product' == get_post_type() ) { return false; } if ( is_feed() ) { return false; } if ( 'draft' == $post->post_status ) { return false; } if ( !get_option('disqus_forum_url') ) { return false; } else if ( 'all' == $replace ) { return true; }
- Save and re-upload the “disqus.php” file.
- You may need to clear your cache.
Following these steps, Disqus will be disabled on these custom post types. In my scenario, this means I can now accept product reviews in my WooCommerce store!
I've shared this post with Disqus so that they can consider including this code in the future, or building in a function to allow users to select post types.
If this was helpful, please reshare it!
You sir, are a life-saver! I’ve been searching all over for a way to fix this problem with Disqus.
I tried what you did but found that this worked instead:
Instead of “if ( ‘product’ == get_post_type() ) { return false; }”
It should be: “if ( ‘product’ == $post->post_status ) { return false; }” with product being replaced with whatever your custom post is named.
You see, I installed EditFlow which creates a couple of custom post-types, and as my writers would preview an article that wasn’t saved as a “Draft”, Disqus would activate, thus creating comment conflicts resulting in comments publishing on the wrong post.
Thanks a million for pointing me in the right direction though. Much appreciated! 🙂
So you had a different goal than I did? Because your suggested code doesn’t work on the product post type from WooCommerce.
However, maybe both your line and mine should be added.
Great !!!!!!! really very helpful article in WordPress projects.
Awesome find – thank you! Just to add to the comments – if I may (to help future stragglers like me):
It seems as if you can employ most of WordPress’ native functions to test against. I had a specific category to exclude Disqus on so:
if (is_category( ’14’ ) ) { return false; }
also worked
Thank you!
Exactly! Once you know where to put the line and what code to use, you can adjust it to your needs.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Really simple and effective fix!
Works like a charm!
Awesome! Thanks
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much!
Thanks, worked perfectly!
Thanks, so helpful!
Thanks, but is not the correct method.
add the following code to your functions.php file inside your theme.
add_filter( ‘comments_template’ , ‘block_disqus’, 1 );
function block_disqus($file) {
if ( ‘custom_post_type_name’ == get_post_type() )
remove_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘dsq_comments_template’);
return $file;
Thanks, Onur! I’ll give this a try as this could be better than modifying the plugin source.
If the net result is the same, why does it matter?
This is definitely a better option than modifying the Disqus plugin. I also use the Disqus Conditional Load plugin instead of the main one, and the process is relatively the same
I did finally test this, and it works just as well, but without being susceptible to plugin updates.
I updated my post. Thanks!
you’re welcome 🙂
Thanks! That resolved my problem with the reviews on woocommerce
Worked like a charm!
Excellent, added the filter in functions and works like a charm. Many thanks!
awesome, thanks, worked a treat. much appreciated.
Worked perfectly thanks! Saved me a lot of time trying to find a solution
Thanks so much!!!
Ah finally, thank you!
This worked perfectly, thanks!
This did work well, I wish there was a non-hacky way to do this though.
// Remove Disqus from a custom post type
add_filter( ‘comments_template’ , ‘block_disqus’, 1 );
function block_disqus($file) {
if ( ‘product’ == get_post_type() )
remove_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘dsq_comments_template’);
return $file;
Yes, that’s what I already have.
Thank you, Daniel! You really helped me without even know me. 😛
Great! 🙂
We just tried disqus with woocomemrce using your code and we were successful but we are facing another problem, It keeps on saying comments are closed on blog post even though it is open. Any idea
You might need Disqus’s help on that one. You may have a setting in Disqus that closed all of your blog posts, or maybe just your old ones.
Code is worked but still can’t write reviews as we will click submit button it will throw error:
Sorry, the built-in commenting system is disabled because Disqus is active.
You may need to get help from whatever ecommerce software you’re using.
Using WordPress Woocommerce recent version, after applying your code Woocommerce reviews is stated showing then as we write some review and click “Submit” Review button it throws error:
Sorry, the built-in commenting system is disabled because Disqus is active.
Screen: http://oi59.tinypic.com/a3mdew.jpg
Any idea or help on solving this tried to search alot but not getting any fix! and have you also notice this problem in your WooCommerce store reviews or its only me!
I don’t think I’ve had that same problem. You might need to talk to WooCommerce about that one.
Hi Daniel,
thank your coding.it was usefuel for me .
when i installed disqus .it took over tab product reviews after adding these codes it works well but i want also to have disqus commenting for product reviews .
have a good days.
I figured this out. Please update to the code in my example.
i had same problem .i added all two method that Daniel said.
I’m sorry it took me so long, but I did figure this out and it’s working now. Please update your code to my new example.
i using the code. it didn’t anything worked.
my woocommerce still can’t not read reviews.
“custom_post_type_name” i change “tab-reviews”
what mistake did i make?
thank your coding !~~ it really worked
On November 9, 2011, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The test was conducted at 2:00pm EST and during this period, regularly scheduled television, radio, cable, radio and satellite shows were interrupted as the system was being tested.
On November 9, 2011, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The test was conducted at 2:00pm EST and during this period, regularly scheduled television, radio, cable, radio and satellite shows were interrupted as the system was being tested.
Hope the move to AZ is going well (I’m partial to Flagstaff myself, having spend a summer at the Grand Canyon).
Anyway, thanks for the code. Seems to have worked like a charm. Now, if I can just figure out how to import all my Amazon reviews without just copying and pasting, all will be well.
Thanks a lot. It works perfectly on kelplat.com/kelchef.
Helped us out massively at https://www.woosociety.com. Thank you!
Absolute legend. Thank you for this.
Hi, I’ve just been adding this to a site I’m currently building which uses WooCommerce and Disqus comments. I found the get_post_type() statement to be causing issues, where certain widgets were not correctly resetting the post type.
I’ve found a more reliable technique is to use is_singular(‘POST_TYPE’). This ensures the disqus comments are only disabled when on a singular page for the specified post type.
Can you explain more or link to an example where the conflict was happening?
Sorry, it’s been a little while since I was working on that so this may be a bit vague.
In my case I wanted to only use disqus on the posts section, removing it from products. However, the_post is called on any WP_Query loop on the page. This meant that the loop in my header for the mini-basket, and the loop in the sidebars for recent products (or whatever) would also call the_post, and return true for the get_post_type(), despite the page being a singular post. This meant disqus was being removed from all pages, because there was always a post with the type of product somewhere on a page.
is_singular(), on the other had, will only return true if it is a single post of the specified post type, thus is much more reliable. It would possibly make even more sense use a unique action, such as init or wp_head, so that you can avoid it being called twice.
I hope this makes sense, if you want a further explanation I’ll send you an email.
Thanks for this. Works fine for me.
GOD BLESS YOU DANIEL!!!!!! I’ve spent 2 hours of searching the solution! And your method has worked!!! Thank you so much!
Very nice! Thanks!!
Can you paste a raw snippet of the code please?
Hover your mouse over the code and you’ll have the option to view or copy the raw code.
Wow looking into this spiraled out of control. So I ended up making an extension for Woo Commerce to make it easier https://zamartz.com/2016/06/01/woocommerce-disqus-comments-and-ratings/
I also created a solution here https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-dis-comments-and-ratings/
How can I disable displaying the comments of draft posts on wordpress on the disqus display
Please contact Disqus support for help with that.
Ok, i see… In case i disable Disqus in custom post type, what happens then? Does that post stay with comments disabled? Or in that case, WP Comments are back to the page?
It’s been a long time since I used Disqus on an active site. But I believe that following these steps would disable only Disqus but leave the comments according to your WordPress settings.
I had to do this in order to fix reviews that weren’t showing on a product because Disqus was taking over.